Southeast Financial offers motorhome gap insurance plans for mere dollars per month, so you never have to worry about any gaps in your insurance. A serious accident or theft involving a motorhome can be incredibly financially draining. In many cases, the owner still owes a big chunk of money after they’ve received an insurance settlement. A motorhome gap insurance policy from Southeast Financial will prevent such unfortunate circumstances and keep you covered through any accident involving your recreational vehicle.
If you think you don’t need a motorhome gap insurance company to protect you and your investment, you may want to consider this common scenario. Say you’ve been making payments on a motorhome, but still owe tens of thousands of dollars when you are involved in a serious accident that leaves the vehicle totaled. The insurance company may decide your motorhome is worth much less than its true retail value, so the settlement you receive is lower than what you still owe on your loan. You’ll also be responsible for paying a deductible on top of the difference between the insurance settlement and the remaining loan balance.
Contact us today for a Motorhome Gap Insurance quote and protect your investment. We can even combine the motorhome gap insurance premiums with your loan so you are only responsible for one easy monthly payment. We also offer Motorhome extended warranties so you can take care of all your motorhome purchase and protection needs in one place.